Thursday, February 19, 2009

The grim reaper...

Well this week is anti-drug week at my school. The brilliant minds that be thought up an activity to signify the deaths caused by drugs and alcohol. Someone dressed as the grim reaper goes to various classroom throughout the day and "kills" one of the students. Once the student is "killed" they may not talk the rest of the day. Now does that sound like a good idea to you?
Also, this week is anti-drug decorate your door contest. My mature students came up with the idea of Mr. Mackey, guidance councilor to South Park. "Drugs are bad, MmmK." Hilarious!
As it turns out, this brought to mind the lovely ghost chair. I would love to have one; just one. I want to set it by my non-existent computer armoire. Oh to have champaign taste on a beer budget.

Here is a pick of the door...I don't know if we won or not, but we had fun painting it.


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