Friday, March 20, 2009

No wire hangers...

I have the fever of creativity! And as any artist/crafter knows, you have to go with it while you got it, because it might not be there tomorrow! Inspiration is such a fickle thing. Its randomness amazes me.
Lately, my inspiration has been Mommy Dearest/Joan Crawford. I don't know if it is the actress or the old Hollywood glamor. The look of the heavy brow and full lips? Possibly its the movie Mommy Dearest?
Anyway, I plan on doing a whole series of ceramic pieces based on Joan and/or other old actresses; i.e. Bette Davis. They will be posted on my etsy shop post completion. I can't wait to share my art work and open my etsy shop; very exciting!
Here are view face jugs I've been working on. They haven't been bisque fired yet. They are still works in progress. Can you pick out which one was inspired by Ms. Crawford?


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