Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Brunch

I enjoy cooking, especially when I don't "have to". So Sunday breakfast/brunch I always find enjoyable.
Today, I fixed my hubby french bread, breakfast pizzas. They were delish! Not to mention gorgeous! French bread is so versatile! If I had company over I would have plated them with a sprig of parsley or mint!
Personal taste determines what you would add atop your sliced bread. I chose to go for the "good ol" breakfast toppings i.e. sausage & gravy, fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, and a pinch of shredded cheddar. Bake the sliced french bread before you put your toppings on; this way you won't have soggy bread. Once topping are on, heat until cheese is melted.
Probably not the most healthy breakfast, but its actually too meals in one (brunch) and they were small portions per slice of bread. (boy can I rationalize)
Anyway, Jason enjoyed them so much he had three slices!
Hope all had a good weekend!


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